Experience Bowenwork
Pain Relief, Stress Management, Physical and Emotional Trauma Decoded



Welcome to my website!.               

My name is Susan Kingsbury and I want to thank you for viewing my website. If you're looking for a Licensed Massage Therapist, a Professional Bowenwork Practitioner, a Registered Bowenwork Instructor, and a Biological Decoder, you've come to the right place. I own Experience Bowenwork and I work out of my office in Edmonds, Washington.

I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist who specializes in Bowen and Biological Decoding. Bowen is a system of touch that initiates a series of response through stimulation of the nervous, musculoskeletal and fascial systems and the energetic pathways. Bowen practitioners perform a sequence of small movements on specific points on the body interspersed with rest periods to allow processing.

I often see clients who have "tried everything" and come to Bowen as a last resort. They are often pleasantly surprised and relieved when the Bowen starts to address complaints that hadn't responded to other forms of treatment.

Biological Decoding can be added to help release the cellular memory that holds the trauma in an area of the body. My job is to help you be aware of that occurrence so you can release both the memory and the pain that has subsequently taken hold as a result. Usually you are not even aware of this as the brain is protecting you with a "blind spot".

I offer a four hour "Intro to Bowenwork" class for persons who want to work on family and friends as well as the six modules that are needed to become a Professional Bowenwork Practitioner.

To list just a few of the ailments that Bowenwork helps are:

Chronic Pain
Frozen Shoulder
Back Pain
Tailbone Issues
Sinus Problems
Pelvic Floor Pain

To learn more about Bowenwork visit: www.americanbowenacademy.com

 I accept the contracted rate of personal insurance companies and also offer a discount when you pay at time of service. I accept Personal Injury Protection(PIP) which is used for motor vehicle accidents, L&I(Washington State Labor and Industries), personal insurance such as Aetna, Cigna, Premera, First Choice, and others too numerous to list.

I'm located in Edmonds, Washington in a peaceful, serene office where a babbling brook can be heard outside my window.

Thank you for visiting and have a loving day!

Susan Kingsbury LMP. RBI

Licensed Massage Therapist

Registered Bowenwork Instructor

Biological Decoder

Dental Decoder

1025 Cascade Lane
Edmonds, WA 98020
Cell #:206-300-6877
E-Mail: skingsbury52@yahoo.com